Le financement de la recherche dans les pays non-hégémoniques : coopération internationale et compétence nationale


  • Montserrat Alom Bartrolí
  • Rigas Arvanitis




international cooperation, research for development, research funding, non-hegemonic countries, actor-network theory


Scientific research has become a globalised activity carried out in networks and around issues and questions that are largely financed by public and private international and national organizations. As partnerships for scientific cooperation have multiplied, the project mode has become the prevailing mode of research funding. This new configuration (as compared to research configurations in the 20th century) raises questions about how international scientific cooperation is carried out. Such cooperation is highly complex and cannot be reduced to a question of access to financial resources or connection to international scientific networks. This article, which is based on field observation, uses actor-network theory to show that taking part in internationally funded, collaborative development research projects necessarily involves building and strengthening a country’s national competence. It also discusses the extent to which agencies that support development research help increase the investments of non-hegemonic countries at the local level while at the same time strengthening these countries’ international position.



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How to Cite

Alom Bartrolí, M., & Arvanitis, R. (2021). Le financement de la recherche dans les pays non-hégémoniques : coopération internationale et compétence nationale. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(2), 304–320. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2020.10-2.e353