La coopération Nord-Sud pour l’enseignement et la recherche : le cas des pays francophones du Sud-Est asiatique


  • Mokhtar Ben Henda



Francophonie, North-South Cooperation, South-East Asia, technology transfer, university governance


Since 2015, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) has led an extensive cooperation project involving researchers and educators from French-speaking European and Southeast Asian countries. French-speaking universities in Europe, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos have entered into a process of active collaboration with a view to transferring technologies and sharing experiences around university governance strategies and ICT optimization. Within this project, studies, expertise, training courses, publications and projects are being used to improve the quality, relevance and efficiency of both research and teaching for the concerned partners. Today, ad-hoc teams, committees of experts, consortia and international delegations are helping redefine a scientific culture of research and pedagogical innovation through digital technology, making the disparity of contexts and the asymmetry between the actors of the North and the South a driver for innovation and the enrichment of experiences.



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How to Cite

Ben Henda, M. (2021). La coopération Nord-Sud pour l’enseignement et la recherche : le cas des pays francophones du Sud-Est asiatique. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(2), 218–232.