Le projet RESET-Francophone : vers une formation ouverte et libre à la méthodologie de la recherche en éducation


  • Barbara Class
  • Abdeljalil Akkari




research methods education, actor network theory, open education, digital education, learning environment


Switzerland has recently decided to pursue closer research collaboration with Mediterranean countries. In this perspective, we have developed an entirely remote research methodology training course for young researchers in the educational sciences. During the 2018-19 academic year, twenty doctoral students from the Global North and South took part in this training course. This study presents a qualitative analysis of the views of three decision-makers on this “third-way” training. It contributes to the current discussion on research methods education by providing new insights on the use of the TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) framework for research methodology teaching and learning, as well as actor network theory and Open Education. It also provides some recommendations for improving the international training course.


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How to Cite

Class, B., & Akkari, A. (2021). Le projet RESET-Francophone : vers une formation ouverte et libre à la méthodologie de la recherche en éducation. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(2), 192–217. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2020.10-2.e346