Utilisation et appropriation des technologies informatiques pour l’apprentissage : cas des technicien-nes du secteur économique informel de la vente et de la réparation des appareils informatiques en Haïti


  • Valérie Payen Jean Baptiste
  • Nicolas Nova
  • Daniel K. Schneider




informal learning, informal economy, instrumentation, appropriation, ICT


This article contributes to research on the acquisition of knowledge and skills in informal settings through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). It presents some outcomes of an ethnographic study on the learning processes of sellers and repairers of mobile phones in Haiti. The study shows how these professionals use IT tools to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out their trade. These processes fall into two categories: (1) learning approaches based on operations to understand and use the devices, and (2) learning approaches that include the processes of appropriation and reuse of the devices. The environment and tools act as a medium for learning and skills development. The practices observed show that learning mediated by computer technologies in an informal environment takes place through a process of self-training, collaboration, cooperation, interculturality, production and manufacturing.



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How to Cite

Payen Jean Baptiste, V., Nova, N., & Schneider, D. K. (2021). Utilisation et appropriation des technologies informatiques pour l’apprentissage : cas des technicien-nes du secteur économique informel de la vente et de la réparation des appareils informatiques en Haïti. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(2), 172–191. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2020.10-2.e345