La motivation autodéterminée des étudiant-es universitaires inscrits à un SPOC : quel type de régulation ? Cas de la Faculté des Sciences de Rabat


  • Souhad Shlaka



SPOC, online learning, university students, self-determined motivation, EMFA


This study is part of a research project on the impact of a SPOC on the motivation of Moroccan university students. It presents the case study of a SPOC on scientific terminology for students (N=792) enrolled in the first year (S1) at the Faculty of Sciences of Rabat (FSR). The course, which is part of the module “Language and Terminology”, was designed by a team of research teachers at the FSR and is delivered through the Mohamed V University’s Openedx platform ( The study aims to determine the impact of a SPOC on students’ self-determined motivation. At the theoretical level, motivation was approached from the point of view of Deci and Ryan’s Theory of Self-determination (SDT). The study employed a mixed-methods research design that combined the administration of a questionnaire based on the Adult Education Motivation Scale (EMFA) at the end of the SPOC with the analysis of student traces on the course platform. The statistical analysis revealed that the motivation of students taking a SPOC as part of the university curriculum is largely controlled by external demands relating to the teacher's decision and the reward of the grade obtained at the end of the course.


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How to Cite

Shlaka, S. (2021). La motivation autodéterminée des étudiant-es universitaires inscrits à un SPOC : quel type de régulation ? Cas de la Faculté des Sciences de Rabat. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(2), 151–171.