Figures and Tables Guidelines

Figures and tables should be formatted as per the guidelines before submission. Correctly formatting figures and tables at the start of the process allows faster publication on acceptance.

1. Accuracy and Accessibility of figures

1.1. Colour: Authors should use scientifically derived color maps and palettes which are freely available, citable, and compatible with the commonly used image visualization software packages (e.g., QGis, Adobe products, Kingdom, Petrel, Inkscape, MatLab, Python, Gimp, etc.).

The use of these color maps and palettes allows accurate representation of your data and makes your work accessible to people with color-vision deficiencies. See Crameri et al., 2020 for further details.

Authors should check the color-scheme accessibility of their figures using Colbis, Color Oracle, or the accessibility tools in software such as Adobe products. These tools allow the authors to check whether their chosen color schemes are accessible to people with color-vision deficiencies.

Authors should check the background-to-foreground color contrast is acceptable checking with WebAim's Contrast Checker, Contrast Ratio Checker, or Colour Contrast Analyser.

1.2. Text on figures: Figure and table text should be in Arial, or another sans serif font, with a minimum size of 6 pt and enough background contrast to be fully legible when printed at 300 dpi on a white A4 page.

1.3. Data availability: All the raw data presented in figures, graphs, and tables should be uploaded as supplementary material to the manuscript or linked through a data repository. Exceptions are made for data restricted under confidentiality agreements.

2. Figures

Each figure should be named and numbered chronologically in the body of the manuscript.

2.1. Figure format and size:

One-column figures can have a maximum size of 80 x 200 mm.

Two-column figures can have a maximum size of 175 x 200 mm.

Special, oversized, or multipage figures can be discussed with the editors.

When submitting the manuscript for review, high-resolution raster images (PNG or TIFF images at 600 DPI) can be integrated into the corpus of text. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, each figure has to be submitted as an individual vector file (PDF, SVG, EPS) with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (such individual files can also be uploaded during the first submission). All figures should contain information about the scale, orientation, legend, and location (if applicable). If country borders are to be displayed on some figures, then these borders should be internationally-recognized borders.

Virtual outcrop models should be accessible via a repository link (e.g., Sketchfab, V3Geo, Svalbox). Sedimentologika is currently unable to host or embed such data in a formatted, published article. 

2.2. Figure captions: Each figure included in the body of the manuscript or SI should be accompanied by an adequate caption below the figure. All figure captions should be listed at the end of the manuscript after the reference list. All material used in the figures should be adequately referenced (e.g., a geological map from XYZ et al., 2020). All abbreviations used in the figure should be clearly stated in the legend or the caption of the figure (e.g., abbreviation of minerals, localities, fossils, facies).

3. Tables

Each table should be named and numbered chronologically in the corpus of the manuscript.

3.1. Table format and size: T

Tables can have a maximum size of 175 x 200 mm per page.

Multi-page tables are possible.

Tables can include colors, diagrams, illustrations, or small photos. All tables should have brief column headings at their top with units of measurement in brackets. The used font should be the same as the one used in the body of the manuscript, with a minimum size of 10 pt, aligned to the left and top of each cell. At submission, tables can be included as a separate file (Excel, Word, PDF, SVG, EPS), or high-resolution raster images of the tables (PNG or TIFF images at 600 DPI) can be integrated into the corpus of text.  After acceptance, each table must be submitted as an individual file (Excel, Word, PDF, SVG, EPS) to ensure the highest resolution possible at publication.

3.2. Table captions:  Each table is included in the body of the manuscript and SI should be accompanied by an adequate caption above it. In addition, all table captions should be listed at the end of the manuscript after the reference list.

4. Equations

Each equation should be named and numbered chronologically in the corpus of the manuscript.

4.1. Equation format: Equations should be either typed as text or embedded within the corpus of the manuscript in a readable format. Each parameter of the equation should be explained in the corpus of the manuscript. Equations should be correctly referenced as required.



N.B.: the guidelines are subject to change as Sedimentologika evolves.