Editorial Team

Executive Editorial Board

Photographs of the Sedimentologika Executive Editors

  • Dr. Stéphane Bodin, Aarhus University, Denmark
    # Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy, Geochemistry, Carbon Isotopes, Outcrop studies

  • Dr. Giovanna Della Porta, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
    # Carbonate sedimentology, Diagenesis, Stable isotope geochemistry, Microbial carbonates, Travertines

  • Dr. Murray Gingras, University of Alberta, Canada
    # Ichnology, Fluvial and shallow marine sedimentology, Clastic systems, Reservoir geology, Paleontology

  • Dr. Victoria Valdez Buso, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
    # Mass Transport Deposits, Deep marine sedimentology, Channels-levees, Ponded/confined systems, Sediment gravity flows

Associate Editorial Board

Photographs of the Sedimentologika Associate Editors

  • Dr. Abosede Abubakre, University of São Paulo, Brazil
    # Magnetostratigraphy, Sequence stratigraphy 

  • Dr. Korhan Ayranci, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
    # Ichnology, Forward stratigraphic modelling, Marine geology

  • Dr. Julien Bailleul, UniLasalle, France
    # Tectonic and sedimentation interplays, Sequence/seismic stratigraphy, Deep marine sedimentology, ponded/confined systems

  • Dr. Orla Bath Enright, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Germany
    # Siliciclastic sediments, Paleontology, Taphonomy

  • Dr. Latisha Brengman, University of Minnesota Duluth, United States of America
    # Sedimentary geochemistry

  • Dr. Peter Burgess, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
    # Carbonate sedimentology, Sequence stratigraphy, Basin analysis, Quantitative stratigraphy

  • Dr. Siddhi Joshi, Independent sediment dynamics specialist, United Kingdom
    # Marine sediment dynamics, Numerical modelling, Multidisciplinary biogeoscience, Seafloor geomorphology

  • Dr. Katrina Kremer, University of Bern, Switzerland
    # Limnogeology, Lacustrine systems, Tsunami, Microplastics, Paleoseismology

  • Dr. Ian Kane, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
    # Sedimentology, Microplastics, Turbidity currents, Process sedimentology, Deep marine sedimentology

  • Dr. Carolina N. Keim, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    # Microbialites, Biofilms, Trace elements, Ca-Mg carbonates, Fe-Mn oxides, Biogeochemical cycles

  • Dr. Ludvig Löwemark, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    # Paleoclimate, Paleolimnology, Ichnology

  • Dr. Abang Mansyursyah Surya Nugraha, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
    # Sedimentary provenance, tectonostratigraphy, paleogeography

  • Dr. Daniel A. Petrash, Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic 
    # Low temperature diagenesis, Biogeochemistry, Geomicrobiology

  • Dr. Xia Zhang, Nanjing University, China
    # Shallow marine sedimentology, Clastic systems, Reservoir process

Copyeditorial Board

Photographs of the Sedimentologika Copyeditors

  • Dr. Gabriel Bertolini, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Dr. Thomas J. H. Dodd, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom
  • Dr. Sophie Hage, University of Brest, France
  • Dr. Liz Mahon, University of Utah, United States of America
  • Dr. Madeleine L. Vickers, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Dr. Georgina Virgo, University of Adelaide, Australia

Current Steering Committee

Photographs of the Sedimentologika Steering Committee members

  • M. Cristina Arrieta-Martínez, Mexico | Social media & Design manager
  • Dr. Domenico Chiarella, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom | Treasurer
  • Dr. Rebecca Englert, University of Kiel, Germany | EDI Officer
  • Dr. Jarred Lloyd, University of Adelaide, Australia | Editorial Manager
  • Victor Hême de Lacotte, Keele University, United Kingdom | Social media manager
  • Dr. Marta Marchegiano, University of Granada, Spain | Authenticity Controller
  • Dr. Aurelia Privat, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom | Editorial Board Communication
  • Faizan Sabir TahirKheli, International Research Centre for Earth Environment & Water, Pakistan | Production Assistant
  • Dr. Camille Thomas, University of Bern, Switzerland | Journal Manager
  • Dr. Romain Vaucher, James Cook University, Australia | Production Manager
  • Dr. Valentin Zuchuat, Research Scientist, Mineral Resources, CSIRO, Australia | Legal Compliance Manager