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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Your work complies with the Sedimentologika code of conduct and ethics statement.
  • The authors and institutions from which they are affiliated declare no conflict of interest.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). You may pass former reviews or comments if your article has been withdrawn from or rejected by other journals.
    Preprints are not considered a prior publication, and we strongly encourage the use of preprints. EarthArXiv ( is the perfect platform for this.
  • Your work adheres to the Sedimentologika manuscript ( and figure and table guidelines ( This includes accessibility considerations for figures, e.g. colour schemes and contrast.
  • You have included a “Data Availability Statement” in the manuscript.
  • You have included an "Authors Contribution Statement" in agreement with the ANSI/NISO Z39.104-2022 CRediT statement ( and the Vancouver Convention/ICMJE recommendations for authorship.
  • Bibliographic references are compliant with the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format and follow the I4OC - Initiative for Open Citations' principles.
  • Your submission is submitted as a single file (Microsoft Word, PDF, or Open Office) with double-spaced lines, lines and pages numbered, and has figures and tables embedded in the text where appropriate. Additionally, please upload standalone versions of the figures and tables.
    To ensure a smooth review process, please format your manuscript using the Sedimentologika templates (see Manuscript Guidelines > 1. Submission checklist > 1.3. Manuscript file).
  • Supplementary material should be uploaded as single file in an appropriate format.
  • You have joined a cover letter to support your manuscript submission : one page letter summarizing the main finding of the article and why it is relevant, and suggesting reviewers for the editor to select and to avoid (max. 2).

Author Guidelines

The manuscript should adhere to the Sedimentologika scope and code of conduct

Please review the manuscript and figure/table guidelines when preparing your submission.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Reproducibility: a clear description of how, where, and when data were collected and processed.
    • Reference materials/calibration standards, analytical parameters, and other methodological information required to reproduce your study should be provided either in the manuscript or as appendices to the manuscript
    • Data, scripting codes or custom software/libraries, should also be made available, preferably, through publicly-available data hosting platforms (e.g., GitHub, Zenodo, Pangaea, figshare). Outlines of code algorithms or processing workflows could alternatively be included as appendices to the manuscript.
      • Raw data should be made available for reproducibility purposes unless unequivocal confidentiality agreement(s) preventing the authors from doing so can be substantiated. If you are unsure about this, please contact us.
  • Accessibility: please consider accessibility when designing your figures, aspects include (but are not limited to) colour, contrast, and size.
    • Colour vision deficient friendly colour palettes/themes shall be used in figures.
      • The use of these colour maps and palettes allows accurate representation of your data and makes your work accessible to people with colour vision deficiencies.
      • Numerous freely available and citable packages are available for use in all common programming languages, and in many software packages, e.g. scientifically derived colour maps (see Crameri et al., 2020 for further detail)
      • Online tools are available to emulate colour vision deficiency (e.g., Coblis).
    • Ensure contrast of text and images of text meets at least the WCAG 2.0 minimum standard, the EightShapes Contrast Grid is an excellent resource to test this.
  • Ethics: the manuscript should be original and with appropriate citation of non-original work.

Privacy Statement

Sedimentologika collects personal data (names and email addresses) from users who submit articles or otherwise register for Sedimentologika (e.g. as a reviewer or reader). We use this information solely for the purposes of managing submissions, processing editorial activities, and communicating with authors, reviewers, and readers. Your data will not be used for any other purposes, or shared, sold, or disclosed to any third party without your explicit consent.