About the Journal

The Bulletin de la Société d’égyptologie, Genève (BSÉG) is a peer reviewed open access online journal. This scientific publication is dedicated to Ancient Egypt and all its aspects (archaeology, religion, history, language, culture, etc.) from Prehistoric Times to the Byzantine Era.

The printed version of the Bulletin is sent for free to members of the Société d'égyptologie, Genève.

ISSN 0255-6286

eISSN 2674-1342




The Bulletin de la Société d’égyptologie, Genève is published by the Société d’égyptologie, Genève. The online edition is hosted by the Library of the University of Geneva using a customized version of OJS by The Public Knowledge Project (PKP).

A paper edition of the Bulletin is regularly printed and sold by the Société d'égyptologie.


Open Access Statement

The Bulletin has been an open access journal since its Volume 32 (Gold Open Access). The previous volumes will soon be available to download.

Every published article is immediately and freely available to the public under the international licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC-BY-NC-ND).

Therefore, the Bulletin's content is freely available to download, save and transmit for any non-commercial purposes. Nevertheless, the transmission of content should in any circumstances credit the author and original source. Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal Illustrations copyrights are reserved.

Upon publication, each article is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Submitting and publishing in the BSÉG is entirely free of charge; no article processing charge (APC) is required.

In order to ensure permanent identification, the journal encourages authors to indicate their ORCID identifier and to systematically attach it to their contributions.


Peer review and Publication Process

Manuscripts are reviewed in a single-blind process by the peer reviewers, members of the Board of the Société d'égyptologie, Genève. A single-blind evaluation means that the identity of the authors is unknown to the peer reviewers and that manuscripts are anonymized.

Peer reviewers evaluate both form and content of the manuscripts using evaluation grids (available upon request). The peer-review process takes between 1 and 3 months.

Following the reviews, the authors have up to one month to update their article. The second version is then submitted back to the peer reviewers in order to check that their comments haven been taken into account.

After final proofreading and editing by the editorial board, the author receive the proofs of their article. Only minor corrections may then be sent within 15 days.

Overall, the process takes between 3 and 6 months.


Code of Ethics, Plagiarism and Scientific Fraud

Guided by the European code of conduct for research integrity, the editorial board of the BSÉG is independently responsible for the selection of manuscripts to be published.

The Bulletin is firmly committed to the highest standard of scientific research. In order to guarantee quality, the BSÉG assesses the methodology, research questions and bibliography of the manuscripts.

The editorial board is also committed to communicating in a transparent, fair and impartial manner.

The editorial board of the BSÉG ensures that legal requirements pertaining to copyrights, scientific fraud and plagiarism are respected.

Moreover, the BSÉG does not tolerate double submissionsi.e. submission of a manuscript to different journals or online platform.

The editorial board of the BSÉG reviews every article submitted for publication and takes appropriate action to prevent any malpractice concerning scientific research. In case of fraud allegations, editors will act appropriately.



This journal ensures the long-term availability of its contents. Articles published in the Bulletin de la Société d’égyptologie, Genève are automatically deposited in the institutional repository of the University of Geneva, l'Archive ouverte, and therefore, in the SAFE PLN Network, thus ensuring a very high level of preservation.

The Bulletin supports and encourages the self-archiving of articles after publication by their authors in open access repositories of their choice.