The articles from the "x", "x", "y" kinds will be open peer-reviewied. Open peer-review means that the identity of the author(s) is known to the reviewers and identity of reviewers is known to the author(s)


L'Education Ouverte et Libre - Open Education will diligently screen all submissions for plagiarism. Define the method for the screening (manual vs. software)

Unacceptable research practices include fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. They are described by the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity as follows:

  • Fabrication is making up results and recording them as if they were real.
  • Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment or processes or changing, omitting or suppressing data or results without justification.
  • Plagiarism is using other people’s work and ideas without giving proper credit to the original source, thus violating the rights of the original author(s) to their intellectual outputs

Furthermore, the journal does not tolerate duplicate submission, i.e. when the same manuscript has been submitted to different journals or online platforms.

Any manuscript that shows obvious signs of plagiarism will be automatically rejected and define other sanctions (if any).

In case plagiarism is discovered in a paper already published by the journal, it will be…[define]

Content adapted from : EIFL 2019. Editorial Policy.